Iris Brooks

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Filmographie de Iris Brooks

  • 1
    Up the Sandbox
    un film de Irvin Kershner
    A young wife and mother, bored with day-to-day life in New York City and neglected by her husband, slips into increasingly outrageous fantasies: her mother breaking into the apartm...
    Ma note :
  • 2
    Guess What We Learned in School Today?
    un film de John G. Avildsen
    Parents in a small, conservative community don't think that the sex drive is a normal thing for children to experience. So much so, that they label education in that regard as a co...
    Ma note :
  • 3
    I Drink Your Blood
    Une bande de Hippies satanistes brutalise plusieurs habitants d'une paisible bourgade. Par vengeance, le frère d'une jeune femme violée les empoisonne avec le sang d'un chien enrag...
    Ma note :

Avis sur les films de Iris Brooks

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