Teacher Kawashima Haru takes a position on a remote island off the coast of Hokkaido, where she takes charge of six students. However, she is later forced to leave after an acciden...
A Japanese company is being targeted by a Chinese financial group that takes advantage of weak and struggling firms - in other words, a vulture. A Japanese financier/former vulture...
L’histoire a lieu en 1969 à Nagasaki, où les étudiants Ken et Ando Masanobu du lycée Tsumabuki espèrent défier la croyance et les règles traditionnelles.Ken, voulant à tout prix at...
Half a Confession introduces itself as a thriller and abruptly changes gears, transforming into a tale of morality with deeper insights into its characters than we had anticipated....
“ Une fois épuisées les quelques ficelles burlesques (bien épaisses, les ficelles !), que reste-t-il de ce buddy-movie à la japonaise ? Peu. ”— Arch_Stanton29 décembre 2023