Old Master Q 2001
un film de
Old Master Q 2001

Old Master Q 2001

un film de

  • Pour l'instant, rien.

Infos sur Old Master Q 2001

Réalisé par Herman Yau

Hong kong - 1h44 - Action, Animation, Romance
Titre original : 老夫子2001
Sortie le 5 avril 2001


"Master Q" is a popular comic book series character in Hong Kong. Each comic book is usually made up of many different situational stories, with 8 frmaes making up a story in 1 page. In short, it is like the newspaper comics that you see in America but in a book form. The movie is about how Master Q and his 2 friends Mr. Chung and Potato are out looking for jobs but accidentally cause an traffic accident for Mandy (Cecilia Cheung) and Fred (Nicholas Tse). As a result, both have lost their memories and due to circumstances, they have become enemies... but then, true love will eventually reunite (with a lot of help from Master Q and Potato).

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