Zende's friends tease him about having a crush on Erica. Erica explains to her landlord, Ziggy, why she is so intrigued by the Forresters. Tony is certain that Zende is just infatuated with Erica and assures Kristen that they don't need to be concerned by his apparent crush. Whip decides that it's time for Brooke to go back to L.A. and start a life without Deacon. He wants Brooke to marry him and won't take no for an answer. Whip promises that he can save Brooke if she accepts him as her husband. Still posing as a teacher's aide, Erica is pleased when she realizes he has a crush on her. Megan is horrified when Deacon explains what happened in Paris. Deacon insists that he and Brooke couldn't help themselves when they slept together again. Bridget throws her arms around Deacon, thrilled to see him home. She takes a call from Brooke, then informs Deacon that Brooke is on her way home and asked Bridget to be her matron of honor when she marries Whip next week!