S06E05 - Swamp Fox: Brother Against Brother
un épisode de la Saison 6 de Disneyland

S06E05 - Swamp Fox: Brother Against Brother

un épisode de la Saison 6 de Disneyland


In the second episode of Walt Disney's eight-part miniseries The Swamp Fox, the Redcoats have retaliated against the raids of Colonel Francis Marion's guerillas by burning down their homes. While Francis (Leslie Nielsen) advises his men to wait before striking back, his own brother Gabriel (Dick Foran) is in no mood to bide his time. Gabriel has vowed vengeance in particular against the pro-Tory Videaux family, even though Mary Videaux (Joy Page is in love with Francis. What neither Gabriel nor the Redcoats realize is that Mary is secretly working on the guerillas' behalf, spying on the British and reporting their activities to Francis.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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