The episode begins with Bear confronting Lee, who has gone insane with rage at the knowledge of Bob's death. Lee asks Bear that when they locate Grave, to leave him for Lee to finish off.
Cut to Bunji, who has dug up Brandon's grave to convince himself of the truth, Bunji then fires on the cross adorned over it.
Brandon, Mika and T are laying low while in the distance T watches Millennion agents gather around the perimeter.
Harry ponders as to how a Necro-Rise could beat a Superior and realizes it was Brandon and Tokioka 13 years ago that stopped the rampaging prototypes.
Brandon and Mika save a man who is being harassed by agents, and the bodies are later located and reported to Bunji, who tells all the units to pull out so he can take Grave out.
Brandon takes Mika to visit Maria's old apartment, and Brandon reminiscences, however they are soon greeted outside by Bunji.
Bunji blames Brandon for the current state of things, and Brandon gets Mika to flee. As they begin to square off, Bunji thinks the match unbalanced, and reveals a detonation device to linked to bombs all over the area, to which he detonates. Bunji then unveils yet another new trick, a rifle loaded with a chemical substance that paralyzes & deteriorates the Necro-Rise state. More of the bombs are set off, after which Bunji begins pumping one shot after another into Grave, asking him why he betrayed, but Brandon remains silent. As Bunji is about to execute Grave, Mika comes from the shadows with her revolver aimed at Bunji, saying Brandon would never betray. Bunji doesn't care, he wants to kill Brandon because he left the five of them and then turned around and attacked. Mika continues to plead for Brandon's life, Bunji gets frustrated and begins shooting around her, she continues to weep and scream, and Brandon slowly rises to his feet and begins to badly beat Bunji with his one working arm, but Mika soon pleads Brandon to stop.
Later, as T is healing Brandon, he notes that this will drop Brandon's fighting capacity by 30%.