The Philco Television Playhouse
Welcome to The Philco Television Playhouse guide at TV Tome. This live dramatic anthology series featured top name actors and actresses in original TV plays and adaptations of novels, short stories and plays. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (photo with Madge Evans and John Baragrey in the roles) and Sense and Sensibility were brought to the small screen. Perhaps the most elaborate production during the first season was "Cyrano de Bergerac" with Jose Ferrer and seven sets to recreate 17th century Paris. From 1951 till the show finished in 1955 Philco Television Playhouse alternated weekly with Goodyear Television Playhouse.
Infos de la série
Série terminée
- 7 saisons,
253 épisodes
Série dramatique
Date de première diffusion :
1 octobre 1948