S05E19 - Kathy Griffin
un épisode de la Saison 5 de Whose Line is it Anyway?

S05E19 - Kathy Griffin

un épisode de la Saison 5 de Whose Line is it Anyway?


Colin reports a Newsflash of mice and rats to Kathy and Ryan; Song Styles is a gospel from Wayne to David Hasselhoff; Two Line Vocabulary sees Colin's Indiana Jones looking for the Holy Grail in an ancient temple filled with dangerous traps, with sidekicks Ryan (""What does that do?"" and ""I want out."") and Kathy (""I love this."" and ""Are you kidding?""); Colin, a woman, has some trouble on the beach, and is saved by lifeguard David, whose Dubbing is done by Wayne, and Colin's boyfriend, Ryan, comes in to prove he's a better lifeguard. David wins, so Wayne, Ryan, and he become a Three-Headed Broadway Star to sing ""I Can't Live Without Your Mother"" to audience member Venus.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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