Phil Cornwell

Phil Cornwell
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Filmographie de Phil Cornwell

  • 1
    Ronni Ancona & Co.
    (2007 - 2007)
    Welcome to Ronni's world, where familiar faces - including those of Kate Moss and Pete Doherty - mix with a cast of eccentric new characters. What, you didn't think that's the real...
    Ma note :
  • 2
    I'm Alan Partridge
    (1997 - 2002)
    une série de Armando Iannucci, Peter Baynham...
    This classic BBC comedy comes courtesy of Steve Coogan. Alan is a fictional self-obsessed DJ who has had several TV jobs in the past (including chat show 'Knowing Me Knowing You') ...
    Ma note :

Avis sur les films de Phil Cornwell

  • Pour l'instant, rien.
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