S01E11 - La sortie d'une actrice
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Les Héros de la galaxie

S01E11 - La sortie d'une actrice

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Les Héros de la galaxie


Susanna von Benemünde, a former favorite of the Emperor, wants to get rid of Annerose and win back the Emperor's love. She teams up with Flegel, who hopes that a scandal involving Annerose will lead to Reinhard's downfall. Annerose is abducted: she is to be killed and found with a supposed lover from the lower class. She is rescued by Kircheis, Reuenthal, Mittermeyer and Oberstein. Benemünde is forced to commit suicide. Flegel has been smart enough to leave no proof of his involvement, but Oberstein and Reinhard suspect him anyway.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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