S01E18 - Le pacte secret de Lippstat
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Les Héros de la galaxie

S01E18 - Le pacte secret de Lippstat

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Les Héros de la galaxie


Prince Brauschweig and marquis Littenheim team up to overthrow the young Emperor and get rid of Reinhard. Count Franz von Mariendorf wants to join the conspiracy, but his daughter, Hildegard persuade him not to do so because a new order is rising under Reinhard. She goes to Reinhard and offer her family's allegiance. The high nobles create the Lippstadt League, led by Braunschweig and Littenheim; admiral von Merkatz agrees (although reluctantly) to command their military forces. April, 6, 797 S.C. / 488 I.C.: Reinhard strikes first and manages to arrest many conspirators, but Brauschweig and Littenheim flee and regroup most of their forces in the Geiesburg Fortress.


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